“ A class cannot exist in society without in some degree manifesting a consciousness of itself as a group with common problems, interests and prospects”

– Harry Braverman

Caroline Dineneage and the War on Alt-Media

Dame Caroline Dinenage

Dame Caroline Dineneage is the Member of Parliament for Gosport, a safe Conservative seat, and has been for over a decade. She has been a dutiful servant of two successive Prime Ministers, holding a variety of roles including Under-Secretary of State at the Government Equalities Office, Ministry of Justice, Department for Education and Department for Work and Pensions. Her most recent, and current, position is that of Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport. She has been a career politician since 1998, when she elected as the youngest member of Winchester District Council. While all these interesting facts are easily found on the Internet, what the web doesn’t say is that Caroline Dineneage has positioned herself as one of the leading individuals attempting to crush any dissent against the mainstream media narrative.

The Online Safety Bill is one of several insidious bills which have been created by the Conservative government. This bill, which Dame Dineneage drafted, has been created to ‘improve Internet safety’, introducing stiffer penalties for online trolling, pornography (including involving children) and fraud.

The Bill does not stop there, though. While it came into being mainly on the premises that it would clamp down on online pornography of various types and challenge online bullying, the Bill also contains provisions for tackling ‘misinformation’ and requires messaging platforms with ‘end-to-end encryption’ to scan online traffic for harmful material and other offences. Campaigners fear that these scans could and will be used to access the personal information of individuals.

This bill is a Trojan Horse. It comes under the guise of protecting women and children, but will be used to attack all forms of alternative media that have gained popularity and takes positions which run counter to the mass media’s narrative. Late-stage capitalism in decay cannot allow such dissenting voices to grow so loud. The working class are turning away from legacy media, finding alternative news and information sources online. This is something that cannot be tolerated by our rulers. When it comes to news, the bourgeoisie want to treat the workers like mushrooms, keeping them in the dark and feeding them shit.

Dame Caroline Dineneage is truly dutiful servant of the ruling class, voting in favour of bills with surreptitious undertones as the Minimum Service Act 2023, Illegal Immigration Act 2023 and the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Court Act 2022. Dineneage recently took it upon herself act as judge, jury and executioner when Russell Brand was accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse. Following the broadcast of the Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ documentary, Dame Dineneage wrote letters to all the media platforms connected with Brand, informing them that he should no longer be allowed to profit from his output, despite Brand not being charged with any offence.

While most of the platforms meekly acted as they were instructed, Rumble responded with notable integrity:

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so.

This trial by media is deeply disturbing. Even more disturbing is the likes of Dineneage believing they can remove someone’s livelihood based on nothing more than an allegation. The truth is that Russell Brand has created a following and discusses topics which the ruling class are deeply uncomfortable with, as we have covered in a previous article. As they have done before with the Juliane Assange case, they use allegations of sexual misconduct to draw out a suspect and create negative public opinion. Then they address the real reason for their attentions.

Russell Brand’s case didn’t even need to go to trial. It could be that it will never go to trial. The ruling class just needed these allegations to be made public in order to destroy his reputation. They wanted his accounts to be closed down and/or demonetised, and they wanted his public opinion destroyed in the hope that his opinions and arguments would be permanently tarnished.

Dutiful Dame Dineneage has done her duty.

2 responses to “Caroline Dineneage and the War on Alt-Media”

  1. “The Online Safety Bill is one of several insidious bills which have been created by the Conservative government. ”

    If I might make a small observation, I wonder if it might be more accurate to suggest that these insidious bills have been drafted, under instruction, by the lawyers of the City of London and its Security and Intelligence top brass. It’s almost as though the ‘democratically elected political parties’ allowed to form governments simply exist to rubber-stamp core policies and bills that were drafted well-beyond democratic reach and input by faceless bureaucratic servants of the ruling class.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d say you are correct. People like Dineneage is there to do a bidding of those who fund whoever is in Govt.

      Liked by 1 person

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