“ A class cannot exist in society without in some degree manifesting a consciousness of itself as a group with common problems, interests and prospects”

– Harry Braverman

A Is For Argument

We as a group do not oppose free speech. Free speech is the free expression of ideas and thoughts. With this freedom comes responsibility.

The responsibility to use words correctly, in order to get your point across. 

The responsibility to back up your point of view with argument and also to be prepared to react to alternative views, backed up with arguments.

Words are weapons. The media and we who consume it, may use those weapons for ill purposes.

An ARGUMENT is a reason given to support a view, with facts and other information to support said view.

Arguments are good things. They’re not a fight, nor a reason to start a fight. Fights only start when a person involved in a discussion fails to make an argument.

If we had more reasoned arguments, we’d have less fights and more agreements.

‘Punchbag’ by Chris Haws

BRITAIN is the island on which I am currently writing this article. It’s known as Great Britain because it’s bigger than Brittany in France. 

Not because its a boss place to live. Not because the Empire was massive.

We don’t need to make Britain great again, we just need to make it great.

The word “CONTROVERSIAL” is usually used correctly to mean “not agreed with by everyone”. However, the media use it in a coded way. Examples:

A controversial sportsman usually means a cheat.

A controversial artist means someone who can’t paint, draw or sculpt. Tracy Emin for instance.

A controversial historical figure now means a Nazi collaborator, like Bandera or Vlasov.

DIVISIVE is another word used correctly, but what statement is not divisive? What person who publicly expresses their views will not divide opinion?

The only statement I could come up with, spoken at a bar or in a Town Square that ISN’T divisive was “Child molesters are bad”

The media seem to use the word to mean “our editors don’t agree with you”.

Pointing out that someone gained wealth through trading humans is not ERASING, but highlighting history.

There were black and Arab slavers too, who were also devils. Yet painting a slaver as a philanthropist is the correct definition of erasing.

As is the fact of how they made their wealth is ignored, 

As is to deny that the real way of improving our lives is not charity from the rich, but the means for us workers to generate our wealth collectively.

This part one of what will be series of four articles. Come back next week for part two!

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